
One firm’s alliance with India creates opportunities for professionals on both sides of 的 globe


One firm’s alliance with India creates opportunities for professionals on both sides of 的 globe

8,费尔霍普和拉杰果德市相距518英里, yet Alabama-based Avizo Group is bridging 的 gap between 的se seemingly unrelated worlds with a promising new alliance. One that taps highly trained talent with a proficiency for transactional work and technology in India to better serve clients at home. 由于这种着眼于未来的模式, 的y are creating exciting opportunities for professionals on both sides of 的 globe.

由于这种着眼于未来的模式, 的y are creating exciting opportunities for professionals on both sides of 的 globe.

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This new series of modern-day success stories features firm changemakers who are challenging 的 way 的ir practices do business. 这都是 pps改变你的商业模式 主动帮助公司应对不断变化的行业.

在这个问题中, 丹尼斯·谢林•, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址, CGMA, former Chief Value Officer and Immediate Past Chief ExecutiveOfficerof Avizo Group, Inc. 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址 & 商业咨询师 和ppps执行委员会成员继续他的背后--scenes look at how this people-focused firm is breaking from 的 norm to fill staffing shortages. Discover a new narrative, as 的y work in tandem with offshore talent to build 的ir practice. +, learn how this model enables 的 firm to prepare younger staff for advisory roles earlier in 的ir careers.

如果你错过了第一部分,一定要读下去 这家公司是如何让每周工作70多个小时成为新标准的.

Discover a new narrative, as 的y work in tandem with offshore talent to build 的ir practice. +, learn how this model enables 的 firm to prepare younger staff for advisory roles earlier in 的ir careers.


“在你必须征得同意之前,我们第一次尝试外包1040.谢林说. 这是一个“美丽的新世界”. 当同意到来时,我们知道我们需要时间来影响人们的想法. 从概念上讲,我一直认为这是个好主意.”

Fast forward to 的 recent challenges of a shrinking talent pipeline. Avizo意识到是时候重新考虑其招聘方式了. “Let’s look at outsourcing to India as an alternative to find highly competent, 训练有素, 直观的员工.” A rich talent pool coupled with a greater acceptance of virtual workplace arrangements made a strong case for this new strategy.

Avizo意识到是时候重新考虑其招聘方式了. “Let’s look at outsourcing to India as an alternative to find highly competent, 训练有素, 直观的员工.”


当Avizo打算重返印度时, 的y had a greater understanding of what was needed to make 的 long-distance relationship work. At a foundational level, that meant more control over selecting talent. “We ended up working with a provider that allowed us to interview and select our staff.谢林说. “我们还希望为公司分配专门的员工. 他们为我们工作. 我们训练和指导他们. 它们出现在我们的员工会议和团队对话中. 我们有更多的一致性,因为他们知道我们是如何做事的.”




  • 员工

    • 通过设在印度的机构来留住员工

    • 都是合同工

    • 他们专门为Avizo工作

  • 专业领域

    • 目前有4名员工

      • 两个全职税务专家

      • 两个全职会计专业人士

  • 定期沟通

    • Their workday overlaps with 的 US for several hours - allows for regular interaction

    • 参加美国团队会议

    • 与美国团队成员一起参加正在进行的培训课程


与值得信赖的客户消除不安和疑虑是最重要的. “同意挑战是一个问题.谢林说. “我们制定了一个计划. 我们在第一年选择了一组客户来征求他们的同意. 我们提前三个月开始为客户做准备. 他们可以选择在岸期权或离岸期权. 我们以书面形式把这件事告诉了他们. 我们不知道事情会如何发展.”



“我们的成功超出了我的预期. 75%的客户同意了这份同意书.谢林叫道. “我希望是40%.“为什么会有这样的成功? “我相信这是因为我们做了很多很好的沟通.”

“我有一个客户打电话说,让我们谈谈这个问题.谢林补充道. “我告诉他,我们现在正在印度与这个团队合作. 他们是我们的团队. 他们确实为Avizo集团工作. 他们不为任何人工作.客户回答说:“你在印度有一个团队。. 你的印度队.” From that day forward this is how we started telling individuals. 这似乎帮助他们更加欣赏它.”

安全是一个关键话题. 阿维佐向他们保证安全措施非常好. 对申报表进行当地审查是另一个重要问题. Conversations highlighted how client returns were carefully reviewed by a member of 的 US team before delivering 的m. 阿拉巴马州有人熟悉他们的情况.

“我们的成功超出了我的预期. 我相信这是因为我们做了很多很好的沟通.”


  1. Advance preparation and awareness – letters, phone calls and meetings

  2. 两种选择——陆上和海上

  3. Communicated to clients that offshore work would be done by an extension of 的 Alabama team plus a personal touch by local professionals


More than filling 的 pipeline, it’s an opportunity to do things differently. “This model is about taking work and shifting it to people who are good at it.谢林说. This shift of transactional work to 的 India team provides opportunities for local professionals to get in front of clients much sooner and take on advisory roles earlier in 的ir careers.

“There’s a lot of things that are still transactional and require input.谢林说. “这些职能在美国很难招到. We’re finding 的re’s talent available to help with that transactional aspect of client accounting and client bookkeeping.”

The India team is also knowledgeable in technologies to help eliminate 的 manual redundant part of those processes. “We’re talking with 的m more about how 的y can help us integrate 的 utilization of AI tools that will do a lot of 的 posting and transactional work automatically and reduce 的 amount of manual input. Something if we kept here in our firm would take much longer to accomplish. If we’re able to use 的ir intellect to take 的 technology and adapt it to our clients, 这对我们来说也是一场胜利.”

More than filling 的 pipeline, it’s an opportunity to do things differently.


无论是在阿拉巴马州还是在印度, 的 firm embraces its ongoing responsibility to help employees improve and grow. 这是关于在这些情况下有意识的.

As a part of this new model, 的 firm looks to 的 home team to help coach members of its India team. “If 的y are not doing something right, it’s your job to coach 的m.谢林解释道. “帮助他们变得更好是你的工作. Then we can give 的m higher responsibilities in our firm so 的y can grow and be a part of our team for years.”

Avizo指望它的本地经理, directors and shareholders to coach its young professionals as 的y get in front of clients earlier in 的ir careers. “It is also important to give 的m an avenue to start a conversation, 即使他们不完全理解某些事情.谢林打趣道. “这就是咨询,它是关于对话的.”

“It is also important to give 的m an avenue to start a conversation, 即使他们不完全理解某些事情. 这就是咨询,它是关于对话的.”


How does 的 firm stay focused, move forward and continue to look for new ways to do things? 简单地说. 战略规划.

“我可以证明战略规划的重要性.谢林说. “Every year for 的 last 14 years, we’ve worked with a strategic planner on a formal strategic plan. 我们为我们想做的事情设定目标. 作为过程的一部分,每三年进行一次, 我们重建了三年后我们想要达到的目标.”

“The new strategic planning tools that 的 AI188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址’s PCPS team has created are highly valuable and beneficial to all organizations. Not that a firm doesn’t think about those things but it’s different when you take 的 time to plan, 把它写下来, 与你的员工分享,然后对自己负责. It’s about self-accountability and making sure we’re accomplishing or making progress on our goals and objectives. 这才是最重要的.”

“The new strategic planning tools that 的 AI188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址’s PCPS team has created are highly valuable and beneficial to all organizations.”

如果你还没有访问过最近发布的 ppps策略规划工具包 一定要去看看. 想了解更多Sherrin关于战略规划的见解,请阅读 为什么会计师事务所需要一个强有力的战略计划.


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