Retire up: Reinvent your retirement overseas
Personal Financial Planning

Retire up: Reinvent your retirement overseas

海外退休是一种策略,可以帮助你的客户实现他们的退休梦想, 包括提前退休,在有限的收入下退休.

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Aug 20, 2024

NASBA Field of Study

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Lief Simon, Kathleen Peddicord


3 months

Product Number


 Business & partner 
Product Details

Considerations for retirement overseas


Topics covered include:

  • Residency
  • Health care
  • Taxes

We'll also discuss banking, 行政和财务方面的考虑——既要考虑搬迁的资本成本,也要考虑享受富裕带来的持续成本, fulfilling retirement in another country.

*This event is CFP-eligible.

Key Topics

  • How to plan a successful retirement overseas
  • The residency, health care, taxes, banking, administration, and financial considerations when retiring overseas

Learning Outcomes

  • 确定退休后在海外的经济和个人利益.
  • 确定你的客户在海外退休是否有意义.
  • 确定如何与你的客户达成战略.
  • 确定成功退休后移居另一个国家所需的步骤.

Who Will Benefit

  • Tax professionals who serve individual clients
  • 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址理财规划师和其他专业理财规划师
  • Practitioners who provide tax, retirement, estate, investment, and/or risk management planning services

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Credit Info
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
Basic knowledge of financial planning, retirement planning, estate planning, tax planning, and investment planning
This is a digital product. 与完全付费访问的内容将提供给您购买日期后3个月.
1.5 hrs
For more information, please refer to CPE requirements and NASBA sponsorship information
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Contact us
Lief Simon
Lief Simon是Live and Invest Overseas常驻房地产投资和离岸多元化专家. His twice-weekly free newsletter, Offshore Living Letter, 涵盖了两个188bet亚洲真人体育下载与直接和易于理解的语言. Lief曾在6个国家生活和工作,游历过70多个国家. He has established residency in 3 countries, holds a second passport from Ireland, 并在世界各地开设了数十个银行账户. 他的房地产投资经验始于30年前芝加哥的一栋多单元建筑. 在以超过1的杠杆总回报卖掉那栋楼之后,800% in 2 ½ years, Lief began to diversify internationally. Since then, Lief has purchased more than 45 properties, investing in 24 different countries around the world. 他曾短期买入和卖出(目前持有), long-term, and commercial rentals; land for development; land for land banking; productive/agricultural land; he has renovated historic properties and built houses; and he has flipped pre-construction. 此外,Lief还专注于离岸多元化、资产保护和税收减免. 在过去的二十年里,我在世界各地生活和做生意, 在这类事情上,他建立了一个可靠的专家关系网——律师, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors, 无论是在美国国内还是在他花费时间和金钱的司法管辖区. 与你可能找到的任何其他个人投资者相比,Lief在全球范围内购买房地产并从中获利的经验都要丰富.
Kathleen Peddicord
Kathleen Peddicord has covered the live, retire, 并在海外开展业务超过30年,被认为是这些领域的世界最权威. She has traveled to more than 75 countries, invested in real estate in 24, established businesses in 7, renovated historic properties in 6, and educated her children in 4. Kathleen has moved children, staff, enterprises, household goods, and pets across three continents, 从美国东海岸到沃特福德, Ireland... then to Paris, France... 她的Live and Invest Overseas公司就设在巴拿马城旁边. 最近,凯瑟琳和她的丈夫利夫西蒙在巴拿马和巴黎之间分配时间. 凯瑟琳在Agora出版公司的国际生活小组工作了23年. In that capacity, she opened her first office overseas, in Waterford, Ireland, 她在哪里管理了10多年的30名员工. Kathleen also opened, staffed, 并在巴拿马城经营国际生活出版和房地产营销办事处, Panama; Granada, Nicaragua; Roatan, Honduras; San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; Quito, Ecuador; and Paris, France. Kathleen于2007年离开Agora,并于2008年成立了Live and Invest Overseas集团. In the years since, 她将Live and Invest Overseas打造成了一家成功的公司, recognized, 这家价值数百万美元的公司在巴拿马城雇佣了35名员工,在世界各地拥有数十名作家和其他资源. Kathleen has been quoted by The New York Times, Money magazine, CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo Finance, the AARP, and beyond. 她经常出现在广播和电视上(包括彭博社和CNBC),并定期就与生活有关的话题发表演讲, retiring, investing, and doing business around the world. In addition to her own daily e-letter, the Overseas Opportunity Letter, with a circulation of more than 300,000 readers, Kathleen writes regularly for U.S. News & World Report and Forbes. Her Best-Seller book, 《如何在海外退休:你需要知道的一切,让你在国外(花更少的钱)过得更好," published by Penguin Random House, 这是几十年来在世界各地生活和投资的个人经历的高潮吗.

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